1. 100% satisfaction guaranteed with ten day return privilege.
2. All coins graded using photograde standards.
3. All COIN sales over $400 are postpaid,
under $400 please add $6.00 p&h.
4. All coin supply sales, p&h is $7.00 for first item
and 1.00 ON each additional item.
5. PA. residents please add 6% sales tax ON SUPPLY ORDERS ONLY.
6. Any coins removed from original holders are considered sold.
7. We will accept 90% silver coins (ask for current quote)
in trade.
8. All items are subject to prior sale!
9. We will accept Visa & Mastercard on orders over $20.00,
but we need a signature, card#, and expiration date in writing.
(This is to prevent fraudulent use of your card).